Puzzle: What should the hunter do in this situation?

PUZZLE: A hunter has a lion, goat and carrot and he wants to cross the river taking three of these along. However, there is a boat that can fit him plus either the lion, the goat, or the carrot. He is confused because if the lion and the goat are alone on one shore, the lion will eat the goat. If the goat and the carrot are alone on the shore, the goat will eat the carrot. Remove hunters confusion by suggesting him a way to bring all the three things to the other shore.

Solution & Explanation

Hunter takes Goat across (leaving lion and Carrot behind) and returns alone.

Then, hunter takes lion across and returns with Goat.

(Now the hunter, the Carrot and the Goat are on one side and the lion on the other side of the river)

After this, farmer takes Carrot across and returns alone.

And finally, farmer takes Goat across.
